Paul Archie


Personal Information

I was born in Tasmania in 1964 in a small rural community. I had many exiting experiences as a younger person as my Grandparents owned and operated the local Zoo. I completed my schooling in year 10 as that is all the public system went to. I started an apprenticeship in 1980 as a Boilermaker/Welder. I worked for the same company until 1988 when I was made redundant. Due to the constant unemployment situation in Tasmania, I moved to Queensland in 1998 to give my sons a better opportunity to make a life for themselves. My eldest son is married, has his own home with 2 children of his own but my other 2 sons live at home as they both have intellectual disabilities and are under the umbrella of the National Disability Insurance Scheme. .

Interest in IT

My first foray into computers was when I did a diploma in Mechanical Engineering from 1990 to 1992 and part of that was CAD drawing, Computer basics and programming in gwbasic and qbasic. I had the opportunity to watch someone pull a computer apart and I was able to reassemble it and make it work using spare parts. This piqued my interest in computers and I had been tending to friends and families IT issues as a hobby up until 2000 when I was forced out of my trade due to an injury. I was given the opportunity to work in a reatil computer store for a while which gained me enough knowledge that I decided to take it on as a full-time career. I ran my own IT repair business from 2005 to 2013 but had to close it for health reasons. In 2019 I decided to go back into business and have been running my own IT mobile repair business since. I find IT is an industry that is only going to grow exponentially and I enjoy helping clients fix their issues. I have had the opportunity to build my own computers at home and I am devloping a niche market whereby I am able to build novelty computers in a range of mediums. I have built a computer into an 18 gallon beer keg and also into the back of a Mannequin bust. My youngest sons computer is built into a desk under a glass top. I fabricated the desk, then built a fully water cooled computer with 2x custom water cooling loops. I also managed to place his PS4 console into the desk as well.

Ideal Job

Job Title


My Ultimate job is to continue working for myself in my own Mobile IT Repair business.

Skills I have

All my qualifications are self taught. I have no formal qualifications at all. I have gained experience with building custom computer systems, repairing Windows Computers, MAC Computer and Laptop Repiars including screen replacement. I deliver all my new systems personally and set them up in the clients premises.

Skills I Need

I need to gain more skills in the field of being able to help my clients with Networking and Server issues. I also need to be able to assist with web design and rectify any security system issues. I need to also learn more about setting up VOIP systems.

Learning Plan

My plan is doing Bachelor in IT. I have gone through the skills I will be learning in the course and feel it will give me a lot better qualifications to assist my clients with their problems

Key Skills

  • Web Design
  • Programming
  • Cyber Security
  • Social Media
  • Network Design and Diagnostics

Personality Profile


Myers Briggs Type Indicator

ISFP Adventurer


Concientious, Openness


Narcissism, Psychopathy

MBTI Results

Test Two

Personality Test

ISTP:The Problem Solvers.ISTPs like yourself make up about 3.1% of the population.

Personality Results

Education Planner

Education Planner

As a visual learner, you are usually neat and clean. You often close your eyes to visualize or remember something, and you will find something to watch if you become bored. You may have difficulty with spoken directions and may be easily distracted by sounds. You are attracted to color and to spoken language (like stories) that is rich in imagery.

Learning Style Results

Project Idea


Create a GUI to use with a built in Windows backup program called ROBOCOPY


At present, the prograsm requires the user to create a batch file that contains all the nessecary information required to do the backup the way the user needs


ROBOCOPY is designed to do an incremental back, (only copy files that have changed). This creates an exact copy of the file to a separate drive in a copy and paste format, so that if the user’s computer becomes unusable, the drive can be plugged into any other windows-based computer to enable access to the files. The first time the backup is done, it usually takes a long period of time depending on the size of the data you are trying to back up. Subsequent backups generally happen much quicker because of the incremental nature of the program to only copy new files or files that have changed. If the person is regularly creating new files or changing existing files, it is recommended to run the program on a more regular basis, (i.e., daily or weekly). If the user rarely changes or adds new files, the backups can be done less frequently. I always explain to my clients that the frequency of the backups is determined by their own comfortableness. At present, most backup software creates a single file in a format that is more commonly only able to be opened if the same software is installed on the next computer as which the backup was created. This creates many problems for the user, especially if the machine they wish to access their files on belongs to someone else. That person may not wish for you to install any new software onto their system that they are unfamiliar with. The other main problem that can arise is if you weren’t keeping your own system secure, there is the potential for you to give virus’s access the persons computer you are trying to use. Another issue with proprietary backup software, is the size of the created image and the need for that image to be extracted to recover the files. If you have a lot of files backed up, the image size will be quite large and that amount of space is required on the new computer to extract everything. If you are using a Windows tablet or similar, these machines rarely have much internal storage. If the backups are done to another drive, the files are readily accessible and don’t need restoring. At present, if you are required to do multiple backups to different drives, or different drives require backups, you need to create a new batch file for each instance. Unless you have programming knowledge, it is very time consuming difficult to edit an existing batch file for each drive you wish to back up to. I have looked at an existing GUI for ROBOCOPY and I find it very unfriendly for a novice user to use. The user must select the drive they want backed up and the drive they wish to backup to, as well as select the criteria for the type of structure for the backup. This needs to be simplified so the user doesn’t need to make so many choices without first understanding what each thing means. (i.e., Copy a single file: robocopy C:\Folder1 C:\Backup myfile.xlsx, Copy only a specific file type from source to destination: robocopy C:\Folder1 C:\Backup *.docx /E). These commands can be very confusing with knowledge of what each thing means. Like any backup program, the biggest drawback will be getting the end user to use it frequently, it would be much better if the program can be automated to occur at a given time frequency. The time of the day and the day/’s of the week could be pre-set to coincide with the users usage of the computer. Currently the program enables backups to be done on internal drives, external drives and network drives. I would like to add the facility for the backups to be done to cloud storage as well. The biggest obstacle with this project is my lack of knowledge in programming. I am intending to take the programming course at a later stage which will give me more time to contemplate any other issues that I can think of and also fine tune how I want the GUI to look and operate. Another obstacle would be security if doing the backups to the cloud. The client would need to add some sort of encryption to the files being backed up as they are and exact mirror copy of the original files. If someone was able to hack the cloud storage that didn’t have the correct security protocols in place, the would be able to use those files as weapons against the client.

Tools and Technologies

The tools and technologies I will require will be a computer system that will enable me to do programming and an understanding of how GUI’s work and operate.

Skills Required

At present I have no understanding of how programming in a text-based language can be turned into an operation exe file to run the program. I will need to have extensive knowledge of programming to be able to achieve the results I want. I will need to do a programming course to get an understanding of how the programming language works, then gain more advanced skills in programming to enable me to develop the end result.


This is something I have setup numerous times at present for my clients to do their backups, but the current system requires the user to manually do the backup at an interval they are comfortable with. It also requires me to write individual batch files to suit their IT structure. I would like to make it automated so that they and myself are confident that their files are being backed up in case of an emergency.